The viewers you use to consult the cadastre, topography or historical orthophotos are slow, difficult to use or do not find what you are looking for. Now you can view thousands of maps with the full power of Google Maps.

You work with a lot of cadastral data and the cadastre website is too small for you. Catastro PRO is the new cadastre for professionals that provides a solution to all your needs when working with properties.

You need to check the urban development status of some plots but you don't want to fight with the websites of the Autonomous Communities. This is the tool for you.

You need to know who is the owner of a property but you don't have any data to make the query in the Land Registry. No problem, we send you the Land Registry excerpt without providing any data.

Do you want to know how evolved the housing price, the census or unemployment in a municipality? This tool will save you a lot of time when consulting millions of statistical data.

You need to consult data from the Land Registry but you don't want to spend money on Land Registry excerpt. Now you will have land registry data just by clicking on a property.

You're considering installing solar panels but don't know where to place them or how many to install. This amazing tool even tells you how much money you'll save.

You are developing a software and you want to have the same data as Goolzoom has. This API will allow you to connect easily to our entire dataset.
What our users say
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muuy buena
Lo mejor es cuando coordina registro y catastro aunque pocas veces está disponible
de 10
Me parece muy interesante
Genial, muy completa
Excelente !! me es muy util.
Me parece una maravilla. Efectivamente proporciona más y mejores datos y fotos que catastro. Felicidades.
muy buena herramienta
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